Here’s Why You Should Schedule Your CoolSculpting® Treatments in the Fall

Stubborn fat is stubborn fat, no matter the season. Those first 20, 30 or even 50 pounds can often times be easier to lose than the final 5-10. And whether you’re trying to get beach body ready in the spring or hoping to shed some weight before the holidays, those stubborn final pounds can be discouraging.

Luckily, we have a few solutions here at Majewski Plastic Surgery & Spa to help you target difficult-to-burn fat cells. One of those is the non-surgical option, CoolSculpting®—the only FDA-approved, fat reduction treatment that actually freezes fat away! 

The procedure is ideal for people who are close to their target weight. It targets pockets of fat using a controlled cooling device that crystalizes — freezes! — the cells before they die and are naturally eliminated from the body. Areas you can target include your chin, chest, arms, love handles, thighs, upper back and more.

The treatment is non-invasive, virtually painless and only takes about an hour. Most patients start seeing results within 1-3 months after their first treatment, with even more drastic changes after their second treatment. So if you want to see beach-body results by next summer, it’s actually important to begin CoolSculpting® soon. 

Consider the Number of Sessions

Fall is the perfect time to begin CoolSculpting treatments. Rather than waiting for spring to start to frantically diet or exercise ahead of summer vacations, warm weather and beach days, take advantage of the winter months! With CoolSculpting®, patients typically see results after a series of two or more treatments on a specific area. Additionally, these treatments should be spaced out by one month for best results and so progress can be assessed. So if the average patient chooses three treatments on his or her “love handles”, for instance, we would suggest the first appointment in October/November, so you have time to squeeze in another treatment in the spring. That way, you’ll see full results by summer!

Results by Spring

Another reason to start in fall? Results take time, and as they say, patience is a virtue! Although you’ll notice the treated area will gradually appear smoother and more toned after just one session, the full results will continue to develop over the following six months. For many patients, most frozen fat cells will be eliminated within the first two months, which means you’ll want to give your body time to process the results before the spring and summer. It’ll be like getting a kickstart on your

Interested in learning more about CoolSculpting®? Remember to plan ahead! Schedule a consultation with Dr. Majewski today!